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A Man's Perspective....


"Will you Marry Me?"

The collection of words that brings even the strongest of men to their knees. It’s the moment of truth all built up into one moment. You’ve picked out the perfect spot, the perfect moment, but did you pick out the perfect ring?

White Gold, Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, Platinum, Silver… And that’s just the band!

Guys, let’s face it. We’re not jewelry experts. Picking out the perfect engagement ring can be a scary proposition, even more so than popping the question. With so many options, sizes, shapes, cuts we can be overwhelmed before we even start searching. Not to forget, she will show the ring to every human being she knows.

Does it feel warm in here to you too?

Deep breaths…

Truth be told - there are experts who can help us!


Instead of looking night and day online and every jeweler imaginable, Matt at Gold N Diamonds makes it his mission to help find your “yes” ring. He can help sort through the myriad options to the perfect choice that fits her finger and your budget- He even makes custom rings!!! Paired with a warranty and cleaning plan, that beautiful ring that will be loved for a lifetime, will truly last forever.

Let Gold N Diamonds help make choosing the perfect ring as easy as her saying YES!

Okay, what's next? Announcements, Invitations, Dress, Venue, Cake, Colors, Tux, Food, Flowers, Linens…

Turns out ring shopping isn't so bad!

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